Labor and Social Security Law

EAK Legal offers comprehensive legal consultancy services to its clients in the form of corporations, foundations, and association status, in the areas of emlpoyment and social security law by providing support in the execution of preventive and regulatory services against legal risks, as well as in the dispute management after the conflict arises.

Our team of experts specialize in all aspects of employment and social security law and provide clients with services in compliance with the lates regulations. These services include preparation of standard or customized employment contracts, organization of intellectual property and unfair competition provisions according to legislation, development of personnel records, and necessary standards, creation of standard documentation practices for labor law (workplace regulations, salary statements, inventory forms, vehicle usage instructions, overtime and leave forms, performance evaluation system documentation, reports to used in case of non complaince with the employment agreement, request for defence, warning penalty, termination notice, letter of release, severance pay agreement, documentation required for notification of occupational accidents, documentation required for collective dismissal, official correspondence government agencies etc.). Our legal representation also covers litigation, mediation and dispute resolution processes. Additionally, we handle compensation cases regarding pecuniary/ non-pecuniary damages arising from occupational accidents, Social Security Institution recourse and penalty cases (both on behalf of employees and employer), litigation related to the detection and prevention of noncompetition, and follow-up of disputes arising from inspections carried out by Social Security Institution and Ministry of Labor and Social Security.